Compressor for unloading bulk materials Hori Wing 603

(e.g. cement compressor for truck)





* Input speed: 700 rpm – 1300 rpm 
* Flow at inlet: 350 m3/h- 700
* Max Pressure – 2,5 bar 
* Momentary pressure 3,0 bar (2,8 bar-relieve valve)
* Bi-Rotational
* Power consumption 2,0 bar – 22 KW
* Dimensions: 288x650x648
* Weight: 165 kg
* Noise level: 78 dB 
* Estimated life:20 lat



HORI Wing 603

Best cement compressor for truck and other bulk products !

Revolutionary solution for unloading dry bulk products. Based on wing compressor principals offers more air than previous versions HORI Wing 602. New design helps to achieve more air flow working with the same operating speed. This modification allows to us reduce operating speed and outlet temperature. Based on this fact, discharge dry bulk products, like cement or fly ash, can be unload using only 70% of the compressor potential. That gives a big safety margin. 

Best selling product !

When buying our compressor you always receive a wide range of benefits.
Hori Wing compressor are easy to use and require a minimum of maintenance.
Our compressors have a world wide reputation as being the best compressor for cement and other bulk products.
It is worth  emphasising that our customers are always coming back to buy another Hori Wing solution.

To see a complete range of our competence please go to a service site.

Attachments to unload ( pdf) :


Compressor HORI Wing 603

compressor for discharge bulk products


       Discharge Flow Rate      

    Power Consumption     


Hori Compressor Hori Power consumption temperature Hori Wing

cement compressor for truck , and others dry bulk products

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